What happens if a team member is sick, or suddenly leaves the business?

I am sure that all businesses have experienced sickness, people leaving, or bereavements. This is outside of your control, but you do have more control over the affect that this has on your business than you would expect.

You could train your team to have a stand in for if this happens. This is great, but this may not be their full time job. How will they know what this person is responsible for? How will they remember how to do those activities? How do they know what they have or haven’t done so far?


All actions within the Gateway System are assigned to a role. You can then assign that role to an additional person, meaning that you will be able to see everything that the original owner had in their list, and is responsible for. Or, you can just look inside the project and see everything that is assigned to that person.


Documentation is key here and a reminder of why it is important. The Gateway system puts this documentation at their fingertips making it easier to stand in. The Gateway System helps you to see what the person was responsible for, how to do that task, and then how far the original person got.

Current Progress?

The status of tasks is recorded within the system. We have the simple Complete / Incomplete options, along with the Red, Amber, Green rating and a status box.

What’s stopping you?

These problems are made even worse if you are using spreadsheets, as you may need to go digging to get all of this information. Contact us to see how this easy to use, easy to access, easy to do your job system works.